Fuqarolarning murojaati


Today, the National Center hosted a meeting with the Vice-rector of the WSB University of the Polish State Rafal Rebilas. The Polish guest thanked the leadership of the National Center for organizing the meeting and acknowledged that friendly relations are developing between the two states, including in the field of science, and joint educational programs established with Tashkent State Agrarian University are yielding positive results.

Today is Alisher Navoi's birthday!
  • 09.02.2024
  •  Ko'rishlar: 
  •  6069

On the occasion of the 583rd anniversary of the birth of the great poet and thinker Alisher Navoi at the National Center for knowledge and innovation in agriculture, a spiritual and educational event was held on the theme “Navoi creativity – the sarchashma of spirituality”.

There have been created a new, medium staple cotton varieties resistant to drought, soil salinity and pathogens of wilt diseases C-6570 (NAP 00156, 02.28.2017), C-9088 (NAP 00193, 02.03.2018) and CP-2530 (NAP 00207, 07.12). 2018) 

The delegation of the Korean National Institute of Horticulture and Herbal Sciences, by General Director Hwang Jaeong-Hwang, visited to the Scientific Research Institute of Horticulture, Winegrowing and Wine-Making named after Academician M.Mirzaev on June 4.

About arrival at the Scientific Research Institute of Horticulture, Viticulture and Winemaking named after Academician M. Mirzaev with the International organization KOPIA, the representative in Uzbekistan Dr. Anh Hee Sung and consultants of the Agrotechnology Center in Nonsan city of South Korea Zhe-yong Si Yuk, Kim Yeong Chu

Ўзбекистон Республикаси Қишлоқ ва сув хўжалиги вазирлиги, Ўзбекистон Қишлоқ хўжалиги илмий-ишлаб чиқариш маркази, Дон ва дуккакли экинлар илмий-тадқиқот институти билан биргаликда 15-16 декабрь кунлари Тошкент давлат аграр университетида Ўзбекистонда соя етиштириш агротехнологияси ва қайта ишлашни янада ривожлантириш истиқболлари”  мавзусидаги халқаро конференция бўлиб ўтади.

Мамлакатнинг иқтисодий барқарорлиги ва аҳолининг муносиб ҳаёт кечиришини таъминлашда фермер, деҳқон хўжаликлари ва томорқа ер эгалари учун қулай ишбилармонлик муҳитини яратиш, уларнинг ер майдонларидан самарали фойдаланиш масаласи алоҳида ўрин тутади.